Ryan T. Schneider
Ryan T. Schneider CCIM President

Ryan is the President and owner of PIER Commercial Real Estate Brokerage, LLC and PIER Commercial Real Estate Management, LLC.  In this capacity, Ryan is involved in all facets of the company including business development, brokerage and property management.  Ryan has extensive brokerage experience in all market sectors including Retail, Office, Industrial, Land and Investment.  Ryan has lead teams through all phases of horizontal land development and redevelopment of retail and office projects.  Ryan worked with his step-father at Hugh Armstrong Real Estate Company until taking over after his death in 2002.

Ryan began his real estate career in Tampa, FL as a real estate appraiser and consultant with Marshall and Stevens, Inc. (1991), a Philadelphia based full service appraisal and consulting company.  In this capacity, Ryan traveled the Eastern United States on valuation projects. Assignments included manufacturing plants and industrial facilities, hotels, resort properties, retail centers, ACLF’s, apartment portfolios, and land tracts and mineral and water rights. Ryan currently holds the CCIM designation.

Ryan Attended Georgia Southern University and obtained his Bachelor of Business with an emphasis on real estate and banking and was also a member of the Georgia Southern Football team as a place kicker. Ryan resides in the Historic Isle of Hope community with his wife Sharon, daughter Pier and their dog, Ellie.

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